NAVY HISTORY - Periods - Post/Cold War

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The unification of the Canadian Armed Forces in 1968 had a significant impact on the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). As part of the unification process, the RCN was merged with the Canadian Army and the Royal Canadian Air Force to form a single, unified force known as the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). The RCN became known as the Maritime Command and its focus shifted from traditional naval operations to a broader range of maritime tasks.

During this period, the Maritime Command was primarily focused on maintaining Canada's maritime sovereignty and providing support for

Canadian foreign policy objectives. The navy continued to participate in NATO exercises and operations, and also played a role in Canadian peacekeeping missions, including deployments to Cyprus and the former Yugoslavia.

The Maritime Command also began to take on a greater role in law enforcement and maritime security operations. The navy worked closely with the Canadian Coast Guard to enforce Canadian maritime laws and regulations, and to provide search and rescue services.

In addition to its traditional roles, the Maritime Command also became involved in a number of scientific and environmental research projects during this period. Canadian naval vessels were used to conduct oceanographic research, and the navy was also involved in monitoring and managing Canada's fisheries.

Despite the changes brought about by unification, the Maritime Command continued to expand and modernize during this period. The navy added new ships and capabilities, including the introduction of new frigates in the 1980s and 1990s. The Maritime Command also continued to develop its anti-submarine warfare capabilities, which had been a key focus of the RCN during the Cold War.

Overall, the period from 1967 to 2000 was a time of significant change for the Canadian Navy, as it adapted to the new realities of the unified Canadian Armed Forces. Despite these changes, the navy remained a capable and professional force, focused on protecting Canada's maritime interests and contributing to Canadian foreign policy objectives.